A critical thinker will use creativity and problem-solving skills to make informed decisions, assess risk, and take appropriate, timely action. 
      First Year Foundations is one of the option courses that I had to choose in the Career Pathways program at Mohawk College. I took the course first year because Elisabeth Sykes, My teacher from Career Pathways taught the course and she was there to help me succeed. I also took the course because it helped me with my next course Pre-Media. First Year Foundations was not an easy course, We had to do Critical Thinking skills, Blog group assignments, and study computer work. Even though it's not my favorite course, it was a great challenge for me. Taking First Year Foundations was one of the best decisions I made. It also was a great test of knowledge for me, and I learned a lot of stuff in that course. 
I have learned about the Food Handler's Certificate. It's a certificate that can help you learn about the importance of handling food and its law. A lot of professions have it and it will be good for you to have one if you want to get into the food business. If you want to learn the law of it or if you are currently working in a supermarket, then I recommend that you take it. I put that in the ePortfolio in the Continuous Learner because I am currently working in a supermarket and this certificate could help me learn more secrets. I have learned a lot from the certificate and I hope you will too.
This is my Food Handler's Certificate.
During the Pre-Media course at Mohawk College, I took a course called Popular Music and Society. It was my very first online course and one of the hardest courses I had to take. There was a lot of reading, online quizzes, and note-taking every week. On the plus side, I got to learn about how music changed the world and the history of some of the greatest artists of all time. I learn so much with this course and with the coaching from my dad, he showed me the easier ways to study. 
During my first year at Mohawk college, I received a field placement in the Shipping and Receiving department. There Delivered Packages to the classrooms and teachers around the campus, Calculated the number of tools and boxes we have at the department and Contributed with others by sweeping the floors. Jason and Rita, the Shipping and Receiving managers, ensured that there was always something to deliver. I learned my way around the campus and knew where the offices were located. i ADDED THIS PICTURE FROM MY PLACEMENT IN THE ePortfolio because it was an experience where I got the chance to practice old and make new skills. The three months in my field placement showed that we are here to deliver and work together as a team. It brought me so much joy, and I genuinely miss Jason and Rita.

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